
Registry of Deeds News Headlines


Norfolk County Register Testifies in Support of Mortgage Transparency Aug. 2019  If passed into law this legislation would require lending institutions to record mortgage assignments within 30 days of execution.  This may affect REBA Title Standard No. 58, “Out of Order Recording of Mortgage Discharges and Assignments”. Stay tuned for further developments. 

  • Register Howe Examines Recording in the Digital Age. “Click” the Title above to read. You must Log In.
    Register Howe Examines Recording in the Digital Age. "Click" the Title above to read. You must Log In.
  • Membership Renewal Time
    CURRENT MITEA MEMBERS ….. KEEP YOUR LISTING ACTIVE  ! 2021 Membership Dues are in effect. 2021 Voting Membership Dues: Now $125.00; and 2021 Associate Membership Dues: Now $100.00 (Fees are subject to change) In addition, Donations in additional to the yearly membership fee are graciously welcomed to help support the MITEA 2021 Capital Fund Raising Campaign. NOT A MEMBER YET? Join ...
  • Update on Recording Fees for Multifunctional Documents
    On July 13, 2008, Governor Patrick signed the FY 2009 budget which included outside sections amending Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 262, § 38 and Chapter 44B, § 8 to require additional recording fees for multifunctional documents. The Amendments provide that “when a document includes multiple references to a document or instrument intending or attempting to ...
  • Title Agreements and Mortgage Forclosures
    In Salem a “REVIVAL AND AFFIRMATION AGREEMENT” and a “Release Deed of Equity of Redemption” were recorded at book 28299, pages 418 and 422 respectively affecting a mortgage that was already foreclosed on! Immediately I wondered what the Title Insurance Companies would say about this not to mention Junior Lien Holders!!! Today I contacted the Foreclosure ...

MITEA NEWS BULLETIN: Oct. 10, 2016: Essex South Registry of Deeds Computer Technical Difficulties due to “mining” of On Line data base from an out side source, In House computer results become erratic and susceptible to misinformation. 

Oct. 10, 2016: Bristol South Registry of Deeds: “Online data base” is temporarily outdated and recordings after Sept. 15, 2016 will not show up if you are doing an Online title search. The Registry states that they do not know when the “connection problem” will be resolved:

RECOMMENDATIONS FROM MITEA and REBA: Any current Title work should be completed at the Registry and not online until an announcement by the Registry that the indexes online are up to date. Use Great Caution and check the actual “Dates Available” line when using any Registry of Deeds Online Data base information, especially if used as the sole source of record title research.


































Sept. 17th and 24th: MITEA Seminars: “Preparing Your Title Business for Managing CFPB Regulations and Other Risks” Waltham, MA and Worcester, MA.